This is a star book I made in memory of my grandmother. It contains 18 pages, representing the 18 years she spent with me. Each of them describes one of the following scenarios:
我的奶奶很小气 / 我的奶奶爱打麻将 / 我的奶奶不会写字 / 我的奶奶睡觉打呼 / 我的奶奶买六合彩 / 我的奶奶打扫卫生 / 我的奶奶很会做饭 / 我的奶奶给我买玩具 / 我的奶奶给我摘桑叶 / 我的奶奶爱吃榨菜 / 我的奶奶把我带大 / 我冲奶奶大喊大叫 / 我有时也给奶奶按摩 / 我和奶奶分开了 / 我的奶奶生病了 / 我和奶奶视频通话 / 我的奶奶闭上了眼睛 / 我很想念我的奶奶
English Translation:
my grandma was thrifty / my grandma played Mahjong / my grandma didn't know how to write / my grandma snored / my grandma gambled / my grandma kept our home clean / my grandma cooked / my grandma bought me toys / my grandma picked mulberry leaves / my grandma liked pickles / my grandma raised me / I yelled at my grandma / I gave my grandma massages / I left my grandma / my grandma was sick / I video called my grandma / my grandma closed her eyes / I miss my grandma
This book won the 8th Baker & Whitehill Student Artists' Book Contest